Apache Guacamole

For the use of a pool PC with Apache Guacamole it is not necessary for you to install additional software, as you only need a web browser.

The following steps are necessary for connection and use:

  1. Visit the Guacamole-Instance of the Chair of Embedded Systems.

  2. Log in with your CS account.


  3. Configure the 2-factor authentication using your smartphone, which is mandatory. To do this, you need an OTP app on your smartphone. In the following, you will find a list of apps for Android and iOS. Please note, that these are only examples and we do not make any recommendations:

You should now see the list of available pool PCs. Note: the PCs available do not have to be exactly the same as in the illustration.


  1. Select one of the computers. If you are logging in as part of a lecture, please use one of the computers designated for that course (MAES). The selection will result in a connection being established to the computer. The pool PCs are switched off overnight so that there can be a delay of up to 2 minutes during the first connection. During this time, Guacamole will report an error that the host is not available. A connection will be established automatically as soon as the host is available.
