Q1 - How to use Guacamole?

If the instructions on this site are not enough, please refer to the official documentation.

Q2 - What are my login credentials?

Your department username and password (CS account). In addition, a two-factor authentification is enabled.

Q3 - I am logged in, but there are no hosts to connect to.

Hosts are listed under ‘All Connections’ on the main page. They are usually grouped in host groups (e.g., Pool). Contact your supervisor if there are no hosts or host groups available.

Q4 - The host is currently not availbale. What should I do?

All hosts are shut down over night. The first connection attempt with Guacamole will wake up the host. This can take up to 2 minutes. During that time, you will get a notification that the host is currently not available. Once it is turned on, Guacamole will automatically connect to the host. Contact your supervisor if the error persists.

Q5 - I am connected to the host, but there is only a black screen. What should I do?

This is likely due to a missing AFS token or a full home directory. In this case, you need to connect to the host via SSH once to get a new token and check your home directory quota. With the tokens command, you can check whether a token exists. Execute kdestroy -A followed by kinit and aklog if this is not the case, or you want to make 100% sure it exists. To check your home directroy quota type fs listquota $HOME. If it is close to 100% you should delete some files. Disconnect from SSH. Reload the Guacamole webpage. Guacamole will try to reconnect. It might take a few tries until the session starts. Contact your supervisor if this is not the case.